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What needs to be done to Build IoT in the Enterprise?

  Jul-22, 2016

What needs to be done to Build IoT in the Enterprise?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has quickly turned out to be one of the most adapted and maybe, most advertised jargons across IT & ITES industry. However, it is completely defensible and is backed up by the numbers. Beyond of its extensive range of benefits, the state of the art of this trend being involved in the IT sector is inevitable.

The IoT of things are not all-purpose devices, such as smartphones and computers, but dedicated objects, such as vending machines, jet engines, connected soap dispensers and many other countless examples.

IoT will have a great impact on the economy and many enterprises will look into transforming their businesses into digital and facilitate their business models by improving efficiency to generate good ROI. It’s a tradition that enterprises always look up for successful trends and for sure Industries are looking at IoT, but the implementation is still premature. Even though there is some immaturity, but there is still some evidence of planned uses across a wide range of industries. We may find an answer from these existing evidence to the question of the hour, what needs to be done to build IoT at the enterprise level. 


Objects that contain sensors found useful in all studies, for example, you can fix a sensor to the products in a grocery store and if the item is spoiled it will give you a buzz to replace the item, the cost of purchase and installation of a sensor is relatively cheap and it also reduce the stress on the workforce.


You can always stay connected to your IoT device via your smartphone or through a hub or the device itself contains the Internet connectivity.


Without a processor there is no computing or a smart device. IoT devices will have capabilities of computing and storing relevant data passed on to it. There is a need to equip these devices with some useful features, so there is a need of advanced processors equipped with these devices.


Think about the high-end business models, where there will a lot of flow of customer and immense pressure on your workforce, you need a device which has the conservative amount of energy, which will not ask you for a battery charger or replacement battery during peak hours.

Cost Effectiveness

The Business goal of IT companies is providing the users with the technology and features that they needed the most. However, there will be a significant cost for maintaining and supporting the user’s technology. IoT is the answer to reducing the signification cost and ensure flawless deliverability in the IT process or project.

Quality Standards

You need to operate your devices under harsh outdoor atmospheric conditions for a long time. There should be proper parameters and quality checks on the (IoT) devices produced by the industries.


Securing your device or network is a critical mission, Devices that are associated with a network through IP’s have immense threats of being hacked/spoofed. Managing ID’s and access, saving the databases are critical to the triumph of the IoT. However, traditional approach and old school techniques cannot cope with the complexity that the IoT needs from the enterprise.  It is the time for Business leaders and technology giants to reconsider their approach towards cyber security, and they should raise the curtains for the new set of security rules.
